Presentation with org-mode

Andreas Kruse

Create Presentation with org-mode

With Emacs, org-mode and reveal.js it is possible to create a HTML presentation.

Where to find

The Emacs package and the original description is at

The reveal.js package is at

Setting in .emacs

;; ox-reveal, presentation with org-mode ;;
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/packages/org-reveal/")
(require 'ox-reveal)

(setq org-reveal-root "~/.emacs.d/packages/org-reveal/reveal/")
(setq org-reveal-single-file t)

The org file

Create a org file to export it to the presentation.


The header of the file should look like this.

#+TITLE: Presentation with org-mode
#+AUTHOR: Andreas Kruse
#+STARTUP: indent content hidestars
#+OPTIONS: H:4 toc:nil ^:nil
#+OPTIONS: reveal_center:t reveal_progress:t reveal_history:nil reveal_control:t
#+OPTIONS: reveal_rolling_links:t reveal_keyboard:t reveal_overview:t num:nil
#+REVEAL_TRANS: concave
#+REVEAL_PLUGINS: (notes highlight markdown)
#+REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE_TEMPLATE: <h1>%t</h1> <h4>%a</h4> <h4>%e</h4> <h6>%d</h6>

Speakers notes

Speakers notes will be shown in an extra browser window (Shift arrow or S - both do not work - but why?).

This is to show it only to the speaker but not to the audit.

This is for the speaker, only.


Each header generates one slide.

However, the entry #+REVEAL: split will split a slide to two slides.

This slide is because of the entry #+REVEAL: split.


Lists will be written as usual, but the way the list will appear can be set by fragmeant styles.

The code is #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (<name>).

The names are:

  • grow
  • shrink
  • roll-in
  • fade-out
  • highlight-red
  • highlight-green
  • highlight-blue
  • appear


Several themes are available. They are at .../js/reveal/css/theme.

  • beige.css
  • black.css
  • blood.css
  • league.css
  • moon.css
  • night.css

Long list shall not be shown in one slide.

  • serif.css
  • simple.css
  • sky.css
  • solarized.css
  • source
  • template
  • white.css

Slide transitions

Available transitions set in header at REVEAL_TRANS are:

  • default
  • cube
  • page
  • concave
  • zoom
  • linear
  • fade
  • none


To export the org-file to presentation the ox-reveal libary has to be load at first.

  • M-x load-libary RET ox-reveal RET
  • Afterwards with C-c C-e RR the html file can be created.


  1. Arrow keys left/right to move around the main line of the slides.
  2. Arrow keys up/down to move around the minor line of the slides.
  3. ESC to see all slides at onces.
  1. Arrow keys left/right to move around the main line of the slides.
  2. Arrow keys up/down to move around the minor line of the slides.
  3. ESC to see all slides at once.